Excerpt from The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us - Part 3
Part 1 introduced this 4-part series as a paper written by a retired attorney on the divisive issue of the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines from an attorney’s perspective, with two medical doctors as contributing authors. It raised the issue of why so many physicians and other professionals would be willing to risk their reputations, licenses, board certifications and their livelihoods to warn people of what they believe to be the dangers of the COVID vaccines. It also presented evidence showing why the COVID injections are not really “vaccines”, and that a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place. It also discussed the four criteria for Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) by the FDA, and presented evidence that not all four criteria had been met and maintained. It concluded with a discussion of the first of three reasons why many have not heard this information before: a campaign of lies by the medical industrial complex, and massive censorship of physicians and others alleged to be “misinformation spreaders” for trying to warn the public of the dangers of the COVID-19 shots.
Part 2 provided an overview of many key data supporting the assertion that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but actually dangerous. It showed the unprecedented numbers of serious adverse events and deaths reported to VAERS, as well as numbers reported by whistleblowers who compiled data from various government databases. It also presented substantial evidence from the manufacturers’ own documents reflecting serious safety and efficacy problems, as well as several improprieties arising from the control that Big Pharma manufacturers have over the agencies that purport to regulate them.
This Part 3 provides an overview of several issues relating to the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines. It discusses ways in which the data and definitions have been manipulated to misrepresent and hide the vaccines’ true effectiveness. It addresses the high number of breakthrough cases, a comparison of natural vs. vaccine immunity, and risk/benefit analyses. It also briefly addresses the issue of whether the vaccines are causing the variants, and reports from other sources showing serious adverse impacts, including autopsy and embalmers’ findings, and unprecedented increases in life insurance and disability claims. This part concludes with a discussion of “who needs to be protected from whom”, including the problem of shedding, and the second of three reasons that answer the question of why many have not heard this information before.
It should be kept in mind, as explained in Part 1 by Dr. Toby Rogers and Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former Pfizer V.P. and scientist, that SARS-CoV-2 was never a good candidate for a vaccine in the first place. Viruses that evolve quickly mutate too fast for a vaccine to be effective because vaccine development cannot keep up with the rapid mutations. That is why, Rogers said, there has never been a vaccine for the common cold, which is part of the coronavirus family – “all previous attempts to develop a vaccine against coronaviruses have failed (they never made it out of animal trials because the animals died during challenge trials or were injured by the vaccine)” [1]. Rogers also explains some of the negative consequences of trying to vaccinate against a rapidly mutating virus:
“Original antigenic sin, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the possibility of accelerating the evolution of the virus in ways that make it more virulent (and even more resistant to vaccination) are some known negative impacts” [1].
Perhaps this explains the revealing admissions by Dr. Deborah Birx, former White House COVID response coordinator, who said in an interview on July 22, 2022 [2]:
“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it's not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let's be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated”.
When did she first discover that the shots would not protect against infection? Did she tell that to the American public and the medical community as soon as she knew?
Though she still claims the shots protect against severe disease and hospitalization, you be the judge of that from the data in this report. At least Birx acknowledged that half of the people who died of Omicron were vaccinated. How many of the other half might have actually been vaccinated as well with at least one shot but were counted as “unvaccinated” because they died within the 14-day window within which the CDC still deemed them to be unvaccinated (see discussion below)? We will never know. In any event, since she acknowledged that the vaccinated had the same risk of death as the unvaccinated, her admission is an acknowledgement that the vaccine did not really make a difference regarding deaths from Omicron. As the data below will show, as time goes on, the vaccinated have fared increasingly worse, not just against COVID, but against other diseases as well. That is because of the damage the shots have done to the immune system and other systems and organs, as discussed in Part 2.
No wonder that Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist trained at the Mayo Clinic, has confirmed the obvious: “It doesn’t matter if they’re effective if they are not safe” [3]. Nevertheless, it is still important to look at several issues concerning effectiveness, for at least a couple reasons: 1) To show the serious discrepancies between the official narrative and the data, including the government’s own; and 2) To expose additional serious misrepresentations, withholding of critical information, and other ways the data has been manipulated.
It is also important to keep in mind that the so-called “fact-checkers” will always attack data or information that is contrary to the official narrative. The authors welcome corrections to any data or other information that is determined by credible sources to be inaccurate. However, one of the foundational issues for all readers throughout this series is: “whose report will you believe”?
The CDC’s Extremely Misleading Definitions of “Vaccinated” and “Unvaccinated”
To accurately assess the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines and their harmful impacts, it is important to know the CDC’s definitions of who is considered to be vaccinated and who is not. You would think that should be a very easy and straightforward issue, but not according to the CDC. The CDC website says a person is not “fully vaccinated” until 2 weeks after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or 2 weeks after a single-dose vaccine… [4]”. However, the CDC website states that “fully vaccinated” is a term that defines only those who have had the full primary series, whether one or two shots. It does not include boosters.
Dr. Joseph Mercola explains this definition:
“In other words, if you’ve received one dose of Pfizer or Moderna and develop symptomatic COVID-19, get admitted to the hospital and/or die from COVID, you’re counted as an unvaccinated case. If you’ve received two doses and get ill within 14 days, you’re still counted as an unvaccinated case” [5].
“Fully vaccinated” is to be distinguished from “up to date” which refers to those who have had all available booster shots [6]. Elsewhere on the CDC website, it defines a “vaccine breakthrough infection” as:
“the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after they have completed all recommended doses of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-authorized COVID-19 vaccine” [7].
That definition would appear to include boosters. Therefore, we can also say: if you have had the primary series but have not had all available boosters, you are still considered “unvaccinated”, even if more than 14 days have passed since your last shot. Mercola noted yet another way that the CDC manipulates the data:
“The CDC also hides vaccine failures and props up the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ narrative by only counting breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death. In other words, if you got your second COVID shot more than 14 days ago and you develop symptoms, you do not count as a breakthrough case unless you’re admitted to the hospital and/or die from COVID-19 in the hospital, even if you test positive” [5].
Some may argue that the above definition of “fully vaccinated” is justified because it takes several days for the shots to reach maximum effectiveness. However, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has been warning about these shots since 2020 even before the rollout, has stated that this new definition of “vaccinated” was announced only after the CDC realized so many deaths were occurring within 14 days of people getting the shots [8]. In December 2021, Dr. Peter McCullough reported that half of the deaths were occurring within 48 hours of injection, and 80% of the deaths within one week [9]. The data presented in Part 2 by attorney Thomas Renz showed that in the first 6 months of the rollout, 50,000 people in the age 65+ demographic died within 14 days of the 1st or 2nd shot [10]. You may see others who report lower figures for the numbers or percentage of people who have died within the first week or two after vaccination. However, regardless of what the most accurate percentages are in the first two days or within the first or second week, the point is that there has been and apparently continues to be a substantial wave of deaths within 14 days of vaccination, especially in the first week. That is borne out by the unusual number of deaths of young Canadian doctors reported in Part 2, who died within days of their mandated 4th shot. However, do not forget the discovery of the apparent “5-month” spike, also discussed in Part 2, which showed a second wave of deaths that occurs around 5 months post-vax.
What also makes this definition with the “14 day” qualifying language totally misleading is that it skews the data in a way that makes it impossible for anyone to know how many who were counted as “unvaccinated” had actually received one or more shots. To the general public, “unvaccinated” means a person has not had any COVID shots at all. They would not consider as “unvaccinated” a person who had received even one shot, or someone who had the full primary series and then died within 14 days of injection. In addition, according to Dr. Deborah Viglione, hospitals often had their own definitions of “unvaccinated.” One of our local hospitals recorded people as “unvaccinated” if they had not received a COVID shot within the past 7 days! This appears to be a deliberate attempt to manipulate their data to show that almost all of their COVID patients were unvaccinated. It also had its effect on their employees who said that this was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” – that all of the people they were seeing were unvaccinated.
Another possible reason why vaccinated persons may show up as unvaccinated is that it depends on where they received their shot(s). Apparently, their vaccination record is not in their electronic medical record unless it was sent to their primary care physician [5].
Read the full article here.
James A. Thorp, MD
Board Certified ObGyn
Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine
1. Toby Rogers, Ph.D., https://brownstone.org/articles/the-fdas-future-framework-for-covid-vaccinesis-reckless-plan/ (June 22, 2022)
2. Dr. Deborah Birx interviewed by Neil Cavuto, https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-deborah-birxknew-covid-vaccines-not-protect-against-infection (July 22, 2022)
3. Dr. Ryan Cole interviewed by Steve Kirsch, https://rumble.com/v1fsq9h-ryan-cole-on-how-toidentify-a-person-killed-by-the-covid-vaccine.html (Aug. 12, 2022)
4. “When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated”, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fullyvaccinated_archived.html (updated Oct. 15, 2021) (last accessed May 6, 2022)
5. Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Shockingly, CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as Unvaccinated”, https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/cdc-lists-vaccinated-deaths-as-unvaccinated (Sept. 15, 2021)
6. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html
7. COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections Reported to CDC – United States, January 1, 2021-April 30, 2021, https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7021e3.htm (May 28, 2021) (last accessed May 6, 2022)
8. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich, https://thereisnopandemic. net/2022/04/22/why-the-shots-cannot-be-detoxed-from-the-body-drs-sherri-tenpenny-reinerfuellmich/#comment-3833 (April 22, 2022)