Excerpt from The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us - Part 2
This 4-part series was written by a retired attorney from an attorney’s perspective, with the assistance of two medical doctors, to examine the evidence underlying the contradictory claims relating to the necessity, safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines. As stated in Part 1, even if the COVID shots have been winding down or stopped by the time you are reading this, the content of this series is still extremely relevant and important far beyond COVID. There are critical lessons that will determine the response of the health care community to future emergencies or “pandemics,” as well as the treatment of vaccine-injured patients and other important decisions, especially for those in the health care community. Part 1 of this series raised the issue of why so many physicians and other professionals would risk losing their license and board certifications, their reputation and their livelihood by daring to contradict the official narrative of the entire medical industrial complex. It also showed why the COVID injections are not really “vaccines,” and that a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place. It also discussed the requirements for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and the evidence that they were not met from the outset. Part 1 concluded by addressing the first of three reasons why many in the health care community may not have heard before now much of the information in this series. There was an unprecedented campaign of lies and massive censorship by the medical industrial complex that labeled as “misinformation” anything that contradicted the official narrative that “the vaccines are safe and effective.”
In Part 2 we present more extensive data, expert analyses and other information showing that the COVID vaccines are not only not safe and effective, but are actually dangerous and potentially extremely harmful, as the alleged “misinformation spreaders” have been warning about. We also summarize and provide information about the mechanisms of injury caused by the shots; a comparison with the response to adverse reactions to the 1976 Swine flu vaccine; and the effects of the vaccines on pregnant women, the military, and those over 65. This part also discusses why countless thousands of doctors all over the world adamantly oppose giving these shots to children. In addition, we address the dangers of the spike protein; the destructive impact of the COVID vaccines on the immune system; and the extreme discrepancies in the safety profiles between batches coming from the same manufacturer. Other key evidence revealing major problems is presented from Pfizer and Moderna documents. This part also provides other important safety-related information from former pharmaceutical company employees who have inside knowledge about the manufacturing process.
It is difficult to dive into the rest of this series without first sharing a few words of encouragement for those who either have received the COVID vaccines themselves, have loved ones who have, or have been recommending or administering them to others. The truth about these shots may be disturbing and difficult to accept. But the consequences of being deceived and unaware of these very important issues are even more difficult to deal with. Many readers may experience a wide range of emotions while reading this series, as they discover how they have been lied to by people they trusted. Many may begin to have regrets. Therefore, it is extremely important for us, as the authors, to offer encouragement and hope of healing.
Truth leads to solutions, healing, restoration, peace and freedom from fear and all other negative emotions resulting from the whole COVID experience. Without truth or knowledge of the facts, there are either no solutions at all, or only much less than the best.
There are existing protocols that relieve at least some of the symptoms and problems resulting from the shots. In general, these protocols are all designed to reduce inflammation, reduce risk of blood clotting, improve and restore the immune system, and help the body heal. The body has mechanisms and pathways to heal from various kinds of organ, tissue, and DNA damage. Therefore, these protocols involve lifestyle modification, dietary recommendations, targeted nutritional supplements, medications prescribed by your treating physician, stress reduction, and spiritual healing and renewal. Be encouraged that researchers and physicians are working diligently to discover more and better remedies. The resources at www.TruthForHealth.org include a vaccine injury treatment guide listing various tests that may help to diagnose the nature and degree of post-vax injuries [2]. Other good information is provided by the World Council for Health [3] and the FrontLine COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) [4]. There are several other good sources as well. These resources are continually evolving, as experts learn more about what is in the shots and their effects. However, some of the most effective treatments may be outside the scope of allopathic medicine. Therefore, patients and allopathic health care professionals may need to look for solutions and help in other areas of health care.
To the extent that the health care community’s best efforts and solutions are not able to fully restore health and vitality to those injured by the COVID shots, we believe without any doubt that real hope for complete restoration is available to all through God, the “Great Physician”. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him. We personally know of many miracles that God is still doing today, and believe that our spiritual lives and faith play an essential and important role in healing and restoration, no matter how impossible a person’s situation may appear in the natural.
This is true not only for the physical impacts of the shots, but also for the emotional and mental impacts, which for many may be equally challenging. Fear is destructive to the immune system, cripples mental health and can lead to emotional paralysis and failure to react or respond in positive ways. Fear also robs us of peace, joy and hope. The major media’s lies and propaganda about the true degree of danger of COVID and the lack of any treatments created an atmosphere of fear and despair designed to lead people to accept their official narrative surrounding “all things COVID”, their oppressive counter-measures and their only solution, COVID “vaccines”. But evidence-based faith (as opposed to “wishful thinking”) is the antidote to fear. Therefore, we hope you are encouraged by our belief that every kind of negative impact you or others have suffered as a result of COVID or the shots can be overcome, whether through health care professionals or by the “Great Physician” directly.
Initial questions:
• How can a vaccine be said to be “safe and effective” over the long term with only a few months of clinical trial data and NO long-term studies?
• If you believe that the COVID vaccines are safe, even without any data or knowledge of long-term effects, what scientific evidence is your belief based on?
The COVID-19 “vaccines” are the “most dangerous biological medicinal product rollout in human history” [5].
That is a statement by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, a renowned internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, and a former Professor of Medicine. His conclusion is supported by many thousands of other doctors and medical scientists worldwide, as evidenced by Declarations of several groups representing tens of thousands of such professionals [6]. He is the most published doctor in his field in history, editor of a major journal in cardiovascular medicine, former editor of another journal, and was president of a major medical society for five years. When COVID broke out, he devoted all of his academic efforts to this topic. He has an academic medicine practice and spends about half of his time treating patients.
Dr. McCullough has been one of the most outspoken critics of the government’s “no early treatment” policy and other hospital protocols. Like many other doctors, he has successfully treated and consulted on behalf of thousands of COVID patients with early treatment using a combination of drugs, including ones the CDC and FDA have suppressed and labelled as dangerous and ineffective. He also co-authored a best-selling book, The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex, published in May 2022. It chronicles his journey to prevent as many COVID hospitalizations and deaths as possible, and his success in doing so.
When someone with his credentials makes a statement like the one above, should we not all pay attention? His 19-minute testimony at a Texas State Senate hearing explains why we should [7]. He led a team that was the first to publish a comprehensive outpatient COVID treatment protocol for doctors, entitled “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection”. It appeared in the August 2020 American Journal of Medicine [8].
If anyone should enthusiastically support the continued administration of the COVID vaccines, you would think it would be Dr. Robert Malone, MD. He is a vaccinologist and one of the original inventors of the mRNA platform used in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID shots. He received his first dose of the Moderna shot in April 2021, “long before the FOIA Japanese pre-clinical trial data that had so many red-flags and irregularities, long before we learned of all the issues with the clinical trials, and long before the VAERS and adverse events began to be known” [9]. After almost dying following his second dose, he said: “I could never imagine that clinical data would be corrupted and even falsified - as we now know it was”. He has since become one of the most vocal opponents of these injections, especially for children.
Doctors McCullough and Malone both realized early on after the vaccine rollout that something was not right about these shots, but it has taken many others much more time. This report is only necessary as there are many others who have yet to see the data and other important information such as that provided in this series.
Another physician who has changed his thinking about this debate is UK cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra. In September 2022 he published a paper entitled “Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1” [10]. He received the 2-dose primary series of the COVID shots shortly after the rollout, and publicly promoted the shots for quite awhile based on what the health care community was being told about their safety and effectiveness. However, his own father, also a physician in excellent health, unexpectedly suffered cardiac arrest and died six months following his own COVID vaccinations. What Malhotra found “particularly shocking and inexplicable” about his father’s death was that two of his major arteries showed severe blockages, one 90% and another 75%. After doing much research himself, he said: “I have slowly and reluctantly concluded contrary to my own initial dogmatic beliefs, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine is far from being as safe and effective as we once thought”.
In July 2022, Dr. Brian Lenzkes, MD read reports that three young physicians at hospitals in Mississauga (Ontario, Canada) all died within a 3-day period just days after their 4th COVID shot. A fourth physician who worked nearby died while out for a run. After reading that news, he tweeted on July 15, 2022: “We are past the point of being able to walk away and say ‘That is strange’ to ourselves and walk on”. He asks: “How many more ‘coincidences’ will people accept? These shots need to be pulled” [11].
Shortly after that tweet, three more Canadian doctors died following COVID shots, bringing the total to seven within two weeks [12]. None of these were elderly doctors. One was a triathlete and another was a marathon runner. The latest one was only 26 years old. On August 28, 2022, it was reported that the Canadian doctors who have been dying since 2021 are much younger than in previous years [13]. According to the Canadian Medical Association data, the vast majority of Canadian doctors who died in 2019 and 2020 were elderly, mostly age 80 or older. Very few were younger than 60 [14]. The CMA listed 246 deaths in 2020, and 393 in 2021. In 2020, before the vaccine rollout started, the death rate among Canadian doctors under 50 years of age was only about 6 per year [15]. However, after the latest mandated COVID booster, 6 doctors under 50 died within only 15 days! That was calculated to represent 23X more deaths, or a 2,300% increase in all-cause mortality of Canadian doctors under 50 compared with the pre-rollout 2020 data [15].
This series is to help health care professionals answer Dr. Lenzkes’ question for themselves: “how many more “coincidences” will you accept of many relatively healthy people dropping dead for no apparent reason very soon after receiving a COVID shot? Those who believe the shots are safe and effective usually base their opinion on what they have been told by the medical industrial complex. But do they know what they are NOT being told, and WHY? Part 1 has already revealed the massive coordinated campaign of lies and censorship of all those who dare to contradict the official narrative. As you continue reading through this series, the “whys” behind the lies and censorship will become increasingly clear.
Safety Concerns Through the Eyes of Former Pharmaceutical Company Employees
Before more safety data and information is presented, the comments of two former pharmaceutical company employees will help to set the stage. They exemplify the concerns of unvaccinated persons all over the world. One was also speaking on behalf of himself and co-workers at Syneos Health, a large pharmaceutical company that employs representatives for various Johnson & Johnson drugs (though not for the COVID vaccines). They were fired for refusing the shots [16]. One employee said:
“‘A lot of us were questioning the shots because they didn’t go through the proper safety and efficacy studies that are traditionally required for all medications . . . For there not to be safety and efficacy data with these COVID shots, many of us wanted to wait’ ... ‘The government said do this; it is in your best interest and you can go back to normal,’ a former employee said. ‘As time has gone on, we’ve seen, obviously, these are not actual vaccines that inoculate you and give you immunity. And there are a lot of reports of—and people that we know personally—who have been injured from these shots, so there’s a good percentage of us that never got them. As data continued to come in, we were not going to get them…”’
Another employee said it is “a matter of not living in fear”, because so many people were living in fear “through what the media is telling them, and it’s just unfortunate that more people don’t actually do some research.” That employee said:
“‘I know that COVID has taken people’s lives just like the flu has, and pneumonia, and other viruses. But I’m not going to inject myself with something that has no long-term data. I’m not comfortable being an experiment for these pharmaceutical companies, and COVID has such a high percentage of survival rate that there’s no need for me to.’” (emphasis added)
Read the full article here.
James A. Thorp, MD
Board Certified ObGyn
Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine
1. One of Kennedy’s statements quoted at his funeral service, June, 1968, http://www.tedkennedy.org/ownwords/event/eulogy.html
2. https://www.truthforhealth.org/2022/04/vaccine-injury-treatment-guide-your-roadmap-to-recovery/
4. https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/
5. https://naturalnews.com/2021-12-25-covid-vaccines-most-dangerous-biological-product-petermccullough.html (Dec. 23, 2021)
6. www.GlobalCOVIDSummit.org representing 17,000 physicians and medical scientists.
7. Dr. McCullough testimony, https://www.fulcrum7.com/blog/2021/8/13/a-closer-look-at-dr-peter-mccullough
8. McCullough PA, Kelly RJ, Ruocco G, et al. Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection. Am J Med. 2021;134(1):16-22. doi: 10.1016/j. amjmed.2020.07.003; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7410805/
9. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/how-bad-is-my-batch?s=r
10. Malhotra, A. Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1. Journal of Insulin Resistance | Vol 5, No 1 | a71 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/jir.v5i1.71 https://insulinresistance.org/index.php/jir/article/view/71
11. Reported by Steve Kirsch, https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/will-physicians-ever-speak-out (July 23, 2022)
12. Jim Hoft, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/26-year-old-neurosurgeon-dies-julymaking-seven-canadian-doctors-die-two-weeks/ (Aug. 15, 2022)
13. Steve Kirsch, https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/over-30-deaths-of-young-healthy-canadian (Aug, 28, 2022)
14. https://www.cma.ca/memoriam
15. Steve Kirsch, https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/doctors-in-canada-are-dying-at-a (Aug. 30, 2022)
16. Beth Brelje, https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/fired-pharmaceutical-workers-explain-whythey-didnt-get-covid-19-shots_4255408.html (Feb. 3, 2022)