Excerpt from The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond: What the Medical Industrial Complex is NOT Telling Us - Part 4
Part 1 of this report presented an attorney’s perspective of the controversy over the safety and effectiveness of the COVID vaccines, and why so many physicians and other professionals would be willing to risk their reputations, licenses, board certifications and their livelihoods by warning people that the shots are actually dangerous. It discussed why the COVID injections are not really “vaccines”, and that a vaccine was not even necessary in the first place. It also discussed the four criteria for Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) by the FDA, and questioned whether they had been met and maintained. It concluded with a discussion of the first of three reasons why many in the medical community have not heard this evidence before: media propaganda and massive censorship of physicians and others alleged to be “misinformation spreaders” for trying to warn the public of the dangers.
Part 2 focused on data and other evidence of the extent and nature of the harm suffered following these injections, especially the unprecedented numbers of serious adverse events and deaths reported to VAERS and other data from various government databases reported by whistleblowers. It also presented substantial evidence from the manufacturers’ own documents reflecting serious safety and efficacy problems, as well as safety-related information from other sources.
Part 3 provided an overview of several issues relating to the effectiveness of the COVID shots, revealing that the number of breakthrough cases now shows the vaccinated account for the vast majority of COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths in many places. It also addressed the comparison of natural vs. vaccine immunity, various risk/benefit analyses, and whether the vaccines are causing the variants. It included reports from various other sources showing serious adverse impacts and a discussion of the problem of “shedding” from vaxxed onto the unvaxxed. It concluded with a discussion of the second reason why many in the medical community have not been informed of this evidence before: deep corruption within the medical industrial complex.
This last part pulls back the cover from the “big picture” that COVID fits into, and why there has been such an unrelenting push for everyone in the world to get vaccinated. It also addresses some of the most controversial issues about what is actually in the COVID shots, whether or not these shots can change DNA, reports of undisclosed substances in the vaccines, and whether there are other non-health purposes these shots may be serving. That brings us to the third reason why many in the medical community have not been told this information before.
Reason #3 is the deeper “why” behind the censorship, propaganda and corruption: there is a much bigger agenda of those behind the push to inoculate the entire planet with the COVID and other vaccines. If you think that sounds like a “conspiracy theory”, that should soon be dispelled.
Without understanding the big picture, it is impossible to really understand “all things COVID”, and why the medical industrial complex has been so obsessed with what they called a “vaccine” as the sole strategy to end the COVID crisis. They refused to consider therapeutics, much less to embrace the early treatment protocols developed by several physicians that have been proven to work for literally untold hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Instead, they claimed there was no treatment for COVID, and even labelled some of the World Health Organization’s “essential medicines” as dangerous and ineffective. They have ignored all of the warning signals that have been blaring from their own early warning system, VAERS, since the early weeks following the rollout. The physicians who have dared to warn the public of these dangers even before the rollout have been demonized, vilified and threatened with the loss of their license and board certifications. Several have already suffered such losses. Throughout this series, this question has been continually asked: WHY?
This is where the issue of motive arises because the government’s strategies regarding all things COVID make no sense. Why would a government, the major media (including social media giants), the governing medical boards, the major medical publications, and health care institutions resort to draconian and totalitarian tactics like censorship, demonizing, threatening and punishing dedicated physicians who were actually saving countless of lives and avoiding hospitalization and death of their patients? Anthony Fauci and the others all have claimed to be following the science, yet they have turned science on its head. It seems that everything has been turned upside down when it comes to health care. WHY?
The answer to the “why” questions presented throughout this series requires a little background that will provide some important perspective on these issues. Since the mid-1990’s, off and on, and after retiring from law practice not long after that, I have literally spent thousands of hours researching what is really going on in the world. I wanted to understand why things were the way they were, because certain things did not make sense to me. Since lawyers are trained to think logically (or at least they used to be), when logic is absent, I want to know why. What is the motive behind something that does not make sense?
What I found was not what I expected. I truly wanted it not to be true, just like I felt about what I was finding out about the COVID “pandemic” and the shots. It created a major cognitive dissonance for me. Cognitive dissonance has been defined as “the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes” [2]. For me, it was more than merely “mental discomfort” – it was a powerful motivation to pursue the issue until the confusion was resolved.
Perhaps many readers of this series have been experiencing a similar disconnect between what you have read in this report and what you had previously been told or believed about COVID and the vaccines. I can empathize. My experience was that staying in denial or in that place of confusion was the easier path only for a while, as the price of staying in that uncomfortable state became increasingly higher. I really did want to know the truth, wherever that would lead, so I pressed on. The more I researched, the more difficult it was to accept what I found. Some things seemed too difficult to believe. At some point, the amount and credibility of the evidence was just too compelling to deny. The same was true with the evidence about the COVID vaccines.
My research of the past few decades has taught me that what is really going on in the world is like a huge jigsaw puzzle with millions of pieces and a big picture. I also discovered it is impossible to understand what is really going on without seeing that big picture. Once you see it, pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place. You start connecting many seemingly unconnected pieces – representing situations, events and people.
Then you discover that many things are not at all as they appear to be, and that many things you have believed to be true actually are not.
COVID-19 is only one piece (or section) of that puzzle, but it is a big and very important one. Trying to understand COVID (or anything else that is going on) without seeing the big picture it fits into is like trying to put together that huge jigsaw puzzle without knowing what the picture is. More dangerous yet is not even realizing that there is a big puzzle with a big picture that reveals what is really going on, and not even trying to figure out what it is.
As stated in Part 1, we should all be able to believe what our government, the major media and the drug manufacturers tell us about issues as important as our health, especially in matters of life and death. But sadly, we cannot. All of the evidence presented in the first three parts of this series, taken together, reveals that we have all been lied to and deceived about “all things COVID” from the very beginning. We have been massively betrayed by those we trusted to look out for our best interests.
Health care professionals have been unconscionably forced into a position between the proverbial rock and a hard place. They have been forced to make choices between submitting to the will of the “powers that be” and violating their Hippocratic oath in order to keep their jobs, or standing up to a corrupt system and risk losing their jobs, their reputations and their credentials. Perhaps some never even questioned whether what they were directed to do was right or wrong.
The devastation resulting from “all things COVID” is not simply a result of bad judgment or policies, honest mistakes, incompetence or even greed. That is what at least many of the doctors, scientists and other experts accused of “spreading misinformation” discovered long ago. What motivated them to risk everything? It was not just their professional and ethical responsibilities to give their patients the best care they possibly could, based on what they knew to be effective. It was also what they knew or came to find out about the underlying motives and agenda of the people at the higher levels of the pyramid who have been promoting the false “safe and effective” narrative.
That same motivation is what is at the heart of this 4-part series. Two physicians teaming up with a retired attorney who saw a desperate need for the other side of the story to be heard by the health care community so that they, too, can find healing, restoration, and freedom from the effects of the trauma that COVID has inflicted upon them. They can even have a fresh start in life.
If everyone had known even some of the information presented in this 4-part series, or similar information freely and easily available from many other sources, it is highly doubtful that many people would have chosen to get these shots – even if mandated by their employer. Is any job really worth it if one of the conditions of keeping it is getting a shot that may result in a person not even being able to continue performing that job, or worse? If you have not already come to that conclusion, hopefully you will by the end of this Part 4.
The thousands of hours I have spent researching the big picture have been focused on various aspects of this foundational question: is there really a sinister agenda for world control planned by the wealthiest elites of the world? Do they really own or control the largest corporations (including Big Pharma), governments, the major media and practically every sector of society? Or is that just a conspiracy “theory”, as the major media love to use as a means of deflecting various truthful reports? If there is such an agenda, what is it and how do these globalist elites operate?
If you believe this “conspiracy stuff” is just a “theory”, how do you explain the following statement by David Rockefeller, one of the top people among the wealthy elites? In his book, Memoirs, he states:
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it” [3].
The globalists used to be very secretive about their plans and kept them hidden from the general public. But in recent years they have brought their plans out much more into the open. Some think it is because the elites have come so close to finally achieving their big goal of global government, and believe that people of the world are now more open to it. Whatever their reason, they have spent decades employing various ways of conditioning people’s minds to be ready to accept their plans, without the masses even realizing how their minds were being influenced by various psychological methods. The globalists have various strategies and tactics for accomplishing their global government and authoritarian control. But their plans go far beyond just authoritarian-type control, as will be discussed below.
You may be aware that in January, 2022, the Biden administration proposed several amendments to the regulations of the World Health Organization (WHO) that would have, in essence, handed over our national sovereignty to that international body. Those amendments were to be voted on during the WHO Assembly held May 22-28, 2022. Apparently, all but one was withdrawn prior to a vote due to massive worldwide opposition [4]. But the fact that any American governmental administration would even propose such amendments should tell you all you need to know about the loyalties of that administration and those controlling it behind the scenes.
One of the worst of the proposals would have removed the right of a country to object to a declaration of health emergency by the WHO Director-General. That would encompass all of the enforcement measures that would follow, including involvement by various international agencies. That would, in essence, nullify our Constitutional and other legal rights, and bring in international agencies to enforce the declaration. The potential abuse of that authority by one person as a weapon or means of coercion against a country for political or other sinister purposes is undeniable. As if that were not concerning enough, that position is currently held (in fall of 2022) by someone whose loyalties and ideologies are not exactly favorable to the United States [5].
Despite the withdrawal of those amendments to the WHO regulations, this battle is not over yet. These people still want a global Pandemic Treaty. Two very good resources for more information about this attempted power grab are James Roguski (www.LeaveTheWHO.com) and Dr. Peter Breggin, MD (www.Breggin.com).
The importance of the above foundational question for you is that it goes to the issue of your ability to believe two key points: 1) that those pushing the vaccines could possibly be deliberately acting against the best interests of the masses of people they purport to serve and protect, and 2) that these elites will lie, deceive, kill and do whatever is necessary to achieve their objectives.
This foundational question goes to the motives of those at the top who have been directing “all things COVID”, including the vaccine campaign. Their real motives are very difficult to accept without knowing the big picture and seeing where COVID fits into it. As difficult as it is for many to believe, there is overwhelming evidence that COVID was an “engineered crisis”. It was all planned. Countless experts agree. If you are not already aware of the compelling evidence of that, I encourage you to read some of the reports at www.StopWorldControl.com/proof. Other resources to help you understand how it was planned and coordinated include the book by Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin entitled, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, published in 2021, or the book COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened and What’s Next by Pamela Popper and Shane Prier.
Also, in early 2023, I plan to release the Updated and Expanded Edition of my own book, Globalists on Trial: The Hidden Agenda to Destroy America From Within [6]. It deals with the big picture and discusses several other key puzzle pieces besides COVID, and how the globalist elites operate. It also discusses how and why the elites engineer crises like a pandemic, or the perception of one, to advance their agenda.
The issue of pre-planning raises more issues: WHY would they do this? How could anyone be so cruel? And how could they actually pull off a fraud of such magnitude that upended the lives of billions of people all over the world? It all goes back to the big picture.
That issue is outside the scope of this report, but it is important to address it very briefly. It provides a very different lens through which to see the issues of vaccine safety, and why the government has refused to approve the proven treatments that countless doctors have been using with great success for well over two years.
Anyone who looks objectively at even just some of the evidence in this 4-part series cannot help but realize that something is very wrong with the official COVID narrative. Unfortunately, it goes beyond poor judgment, incompetence, greed, and even the desire to control the world.
One example of what was wrong was reflected in the October 2020 email quoted in Part 1 from former NIH director Francis Collins to Anthony Fauci. Collins spoke of the need for a “a quick and devastating published takedown” of the premises of the Great Barrington Declaration that had been signed by one Nobel Prize winner and three medical professors from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford whom Collins labelled as “fringe epidemiologists”. That Declaration was also signed by tens of thousands of doctors, public health scientists and others expressing concerns and offering a better approach to the COVID crisis. The “devastating takedown” was necessary, Collins said, because the Declaration had been “gaining traction”.
This is the same disdain and contempt with which Fauci, the CDC, the major media and others have treated the many physicians, scientists and other experts they have accused of “spreading misinformation”.
Hopefully by now, if you have read the first three parts of this series, you have come to the conclusion that the real “spreaders of misinformation” are the elites and their supporters who have been promoting the “safe and effective” narrative. These elites think they know what is best for the rest of us. They do not think like “normal” people, as will be shown below. They have been lying and hiding their real agenda and many things they do not want the public and the health care community to know.
Read the full article here.
James A. Thorp, MD
Board Certified ObGyn
Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine
1. Dr. Lee Merritt, https://tehamafreedom.org/2021/09/26/ltc-theresa-long-m-d-affadavit-militaryinjunction-to-stop-the-shot-mandate/comment-page-1/ (Sept. 26, 2021)
2. Kendra Cherry, https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-cognitive-dissonance-2795012 (July 29, 2022)
3. David Rockefeller, Memoirs, p. 405
4. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/world-health-organization-temporarily-withdraws-controversialus-amendments-to-proposed-treaty/ (May 26, 2022)
5. Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/TedrosIntroduces-Globalist-Plan-to-Take-Over-World-Health-Systems (May 6, 2022)
Much to my regret i think you are 1000% right about all of this.
You nailed the whole series Dr. Thorp , thank you . Very evil times , We , the People , are living in and suffering through. ……. Freedom in Truth , I pray .