A question arises.

Whereas babies will become a rare ressource.

Whereas it is well known that desirable ressources increase in value inasmuch rare they are.

Whereas recent events have undoubtedly proven that life is nothing more than another amongst many ressources to drive profit from.

Whereas that way of envisaging profit has been planned for years.

Whereas sperm and eggs banks exist for many years.

My question:

Who are those who REALLY own them and fund research on artificial wombs?

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Tragically, the womb has become one of the most dangerous places to be in the world, which was true even before they unleashed the experimental bioweapon shots, which should be injected into no one at all.

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Why would eugenicists have any interest in ethics?

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A question arises.

Whereas babies will become a rare ressource.

Whereas it is well known that desirable ressources increase in value inasmuch rare they are.

Whereas recent events have undoubtedly proven that life is nothing more than another amongst many ressources to drive profit from.

Whereas that way of envisaging profit has been planned for years.

Whereas sperm and eggs banks exist for many years.

My question:

Who are those who REALLY own them and fund research on artificial wombs?

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That’s when I knew they were evil on purpose. Giving it to pregnant women

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